Making a difference in lives…
Answering a zillion questions when you came to my office, school, store… helping you find what you needed, interpret the results you got, understand the market. My income was never dependent upon whether you attended my school, or bought the latest widget from us. My information was my gift to you. And 9 times out of 10 – you’d come back to wherever I was working to buy something, or use our service. I understood the market. I understood what it took to get to what your dreams were.
I left the workforce to stay home and raise my two children. I understand their tender hearts… what makes them feel loved, abandoned, angry, cherished. Those things don’t change even when your eldest has been admitted to graduate school and your youngest is old enough to drive. They all want to feel cherished.
As parents we would all rather spend quality time with our children. I especially liked reading to mine... because I love it. I loved snuggle time, even when I was reading to someone else’s kids. (I miss that now that my kids are older.) Over the years I tried not to use the TV to babysit my kids for hours… Because children are HUNGRY for attention. When I was raising my youngsters, neighbor children came to MY house to play, and get the attention they craved from a caring adult. But honestly –by mid-afternoon we all were worn out… And then since none of the kids took naps, everyone had some downtime while a video played in the background. Until we could go again.
I wasn't a perfect parent, by any means. I struggled with my son's independent nature, and his temper. I wrote Kivi and the Lizard People because sometimes in frustration – I got angry at him. I had to learn how to respond to his anger in a kind loving manner. And it took me a while to learn what worked, and what didn’t. What words set him off, and what soothed. I'm still learning.
Psychologists know a lot more about ANGER now than they did when my kids were little. But most of it is still in ADULT speak. Meaning if you’re an overwhelmed mom you may not have the time or patience to focus on the big words. Here it is in a nutshell.
• Be as loving as you can.
• During a melt down – your child’s or yours… stop, close your mouth, and breathe. Don't speak words you will end up regretting later.
• Read simple things for yourself.
• If you are struggling with emotional issues - ask for help. Do what it takes to heal your wounds, so you can be a better parent. No one can do it for you. And even though it is work, hard work, it is worth it.
Kivi and the Lizard People gives parents simple words to talk with their children about where anger comes from, and how to shift away from it. If you would like to buy a copy - it is available on iPad and iPhone - see the link on the right.
I want to Make a difference… I hope someday that books like Kivi and the Lizard People will become obsolete. So that the human race NEVER needs these kinds of books again.
Gayle McCain